Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Father's Day

Sunday is Father's Day. Many of us had great Dad's and I was one of those lucky ones. My Dad would have done just about anything for his girls and he did many things that I would have never asked Gordon to do like go get girlie items for that time of the month, Dad would for us, of course, Mom had called the local drugstore and asked them to get it ready for him to get. He was patient with us and that was a hard job with 3 girls!  Gordon's Dad(we called him Pop) was a great dad to Gordon and his fishing buddy when we moved up here. Both of our Dad's have passed away and we often talk about them especially to our grandgirls. They missed out on all the teasing my Dad would have done and fishing with Pop. My Dad would just about have my children in tears over all the teasing, like "how come when you put a glass up to your mouth your nose goes in the glass?" These things would drive them nuts!!! But Daddy didn't care and on he would go! They (my children) remember going to the local bakery in Evergreen Park with Grampy for donuts and coffeecakes. Pop always smoked a pipe till later years and they remember that of him. I pray that some of you have favorite memories of your dads.
Gordon and I will have a quiet day playing the new board game he got for Father's Day from Duck Dynasty. Should be fun! Blessings!!! This is Daddy holding me and my sister, Sandy. Photo below is Pop with Erika(my daughter) on his lap and her cousins.

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