Sunday, April 5, 2015


Today we celebrate Christ's resurrection! I pray that it has been a great day to feel His presence in your life. It has been a great day here for us. I was reflecting the other day about past Easter's when I was a kid. We got new shoes, new dress, and new white gloves. We had a what we called a "tulip tree" in our backyard, but I think it was a magnolia tree for northern climates. It was beautiful and we had our picture taken next to it if it was in bloom! Those are wonderful memories for me. I hope you have some great memories also. I pray my children do too. We would try and go see our parents during this time. Gordon's mom had Easter, it was her holiday and we would try to go. May the warmth of spring bring joy and redemption to you! Be blessed my friends through Christ!

1 comment:

  1. Family memories are the best...thanks for sharing one, Earlene. When I was in CA last year, they had a tree called a "tulip tree" and it was a little different than the magnolia, (the flower looked just like a very long tulip) so you could be right about your tree.


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 Hello, I hope everyone is well and will find this blog again! I'm going to try and blog again!  So much has happened in the last two ye...